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Delete sounds - ICQ Lite
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Hi all!

First of all, I'm sorry if this question has been answered here before, but I can't read Deutsch.

I had ICQ6 installed, but I uninstalled it because plenty of reasons.
Now I have ICQ Lite (yes, the old one!) installed, it's simply the most easy-to-use ICQ version.
But the sounds of it are annoying!
The only sound useful is the "o-o" (the one you hear when a message comes in), I want to delete the rest of the sounds.
How do I do that?
I know there is a "disable sounds" option, but it disables all sounds, it doesn't help me.


I used Google Translate to translate my message to German, hope the ones who don't read English will understand:

Hallo alle!

Zunächst einmal, es tut mir leid, wenn diese Frage beantwortet wurde hier vor, aber ich kann nicht lesen Deutsch.

Ich hatte ICQ6 installiert, aber ich deinstalliert, weil es viele Gründe.
Jetzt habe ich ICQ Lite (ja, das alte!) Installiert, ist es einfach die meisten einfach zu bedienende ICQ-Version.
Aber die Klänge der sie sind ärgerlich!
Die einzige solide nützlich ist die "oo" (die Sie hören, wenn eine Nachricht kommt), ich will zum Löschen der Rest des Sounds.
Wie kann ich das tun?
[i] Ich weiß, es ist ein "deaktivieren Sounds"-Option, aber es deaktiviert [u] [b] alle [/ b] [/ u] klingt, es tut mir nicht helfen. [/ i]

Beiträge: 5115
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In the install directory of your ICQ you will find a folder named "Sounds". Now you can delete or rename the sounds. That's all.
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That's the problem - there is not a folder "Sounds".
There are: AOD, License, LiteDataFiles, Skin.
No "Sounds" anywhere, not even in the folders I wrote earlier.
Beiträge: 5115
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I think you have installed an old lite version. My description is for ICQ Lite 5. Use this one and it will work.
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Actually, I have installed an old version, as I said in the beginning.
I guess I'll have to "suffer" that annoying noise when I'm typing.
Thanks anyway.
Beiträge: 5115
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Yes I know but there's no solution for this problem. Only if you use a newer one.
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Delete sounds - ICQ Lite
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