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# ICQ-Special » FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
•  What is a UIN?
•  Forgot your ICQ password?
•  Forgot your ICQ number (UIN)?
•  I cannot send and receive files via ICQ. What can I do?
•  How can I find out the opponent's IP address?
•  Is it possible to see invisible users anyway?
•  Can I add users to my contact list unseen and without their authorization?
•  How can I remove those annoying banner ads from ICQ?
•  And how to undo this?
•  How can I launch ICQ multiply?
•  How can I find out who has got me on his / her contact list?
•  How can I ascertain someone is reading my away message?
•  How can I find out my the registration date of my ICQ account?
•  How do I switch my keyboard layout back from English to German again?
•  Does the oppponent get it if I delete him from my contact list?
•  When does ICQ display an user's idle time?
•  How do I delete myself from an opponent's contact list?
•  How do I prohibit starting up ICQ together with windows automatically?
•  How do I delete my ICQ account?
•  How do I write longer status messages as usual?
•  Where does ICQ save the message history?
•  Everytime I write to a specific user, ICQ hungs up. What can I do?
•  ICQ 6 does not save changed settings. Solution?
•  My written text appears on the right side instead of left. How do I change this?
•  How to solve the problem "Error: Failed to init application object. (Code: 3)"?
•  How do I protect me against spam?
•  Which ICQ version is the best?
I can't find my question here. What next?
Well, there is the possibility to ask the question in our Forum and hope for an answer... :-)
What is a UIN?
UIN stands for Universal Internet Number or Unique Idetification Number and means the ICQ number.
Forgot your ICQ password?
Simply go to http://www.icq.com/password and fill in your ICQ number (UIN) as well as your e-mail address. This only works as you deposited an e-mail account at registration.
ICQ-Nummer (UIN) vergessen?
Either you use the option on the website http://www.icq.com/password or you search for your account datas via another ICQ account.
I cannot send and receive files via ICQ. What can I do?
In usage of an ordinary modem or a direct connection to the internet (56k modem or ISDN for example) it normally is adequate to disable or configure the firewall not to block ICQ. As you make your connection via a router (typical for DSL), this needs to be configured correctly concerning the ports's approval. Standard ports are 5190 and 443. A precise manual can be found here.
How can I find out the opponent's IP address?
There are many tools for finding out the opponent's IP address. But as most people use DSL, only the router's, gateway's or network's IP are displayed naturally. Although it is possible to find out the true IP address, we will not discribe how more specificly as most people can not use an IP address for anything anyway. Discussions about that in the Forum.
Is it possible to see invisible users anyway?
Yes, for instance with following programs: DFM, INIC (ICQ New Invisible Checker), ICQ Status Checker, Miranda IM, NIC (Newest Invisibility Checker) and USCA (Universal Status Checker).
Hinweis: DFM, INIC and USCA do not work anymore since ICQ changed it's protocol on their server at May 26th 2005.
Can I add users to my contact list unseen and without their authorization?
Yes. Although contact list is saved on the server since the newer ICQ versions which aggravates it, tools such as ICQ Advanced Adder make it possible. Alternatively, you also could use Miranda IM, QIP or Trillian for adding contacts to the list unseen (only local).
Hinweis: Since ICQ protocoll was changed on May 26th 2005 ICQ Advanced Adder does not work anymore.
How can I remove those annoying banner ads from ICQ?
Simply use the tool ICQ-Banner-Remover.
And how to undo this?

If ICQ looks unfamiliarly after removing the banners or you want to restore the initial condition from another reason you have to act in the following way:
ICQ 6: Choose Standard in Banner-Remover's settings.
ICQ Lite 5: Files with the ending .skn must be deleted and backup datas with the ending .bak must be renamed to .skn in the folder Skin of your ICQ installation. The same applies to ICQLite.exe / ICQLite.exe.bak which is only possible if Banner-Remover was executed only once.
Otherwise, re-install ICQ into the same folder. This process does not change settings or similar.

How can I launch ICQ multiply?
Use the tool Multi-ICQ.
How can I find out who has got me on his / her contact list?
Regrettably, there is no way, like on MSN messenger for instance, to find out at whose contact list your are added. Although it works via a detour with ICQ Pro it is very unreliable. Another way to find out is described here.
How can I ascertain someone is reading my away message?
It should work unproblematicly with SpyCQ (optimized for ICQ 2003b) or ICQ Away Reader (for all versions).
How can I find out my the registration date of my ICQ account?
At Miranda and QIP you can find it at the account details. Furthermore, ICQ Status Checker shows registration date of every account as they are online while scanning.
How do I switch my keyboard layout back from English to German again?
If you write a Z instead fo a Y and the other way around this may be caused because of the keyboard layout is switched to English. For switch it back to German, it mostly is enough to press Alt+Shift together. Besides, the English layout can be removed via Control Panel > Language and Regional Options.
Does the oppponent get it if I delete him from my contact list?
When does ICQ display an user's idle time?
If User is idle is displayed it is not caused by the automatic status change caused by inactivity at the pc, even as many people think. Additionally, ICQ displays whether the user changed to Idle-Status manually. Admittedly it will not be displayed as the concerning option is deactivated in the settings.
How do I remove myself from an opponent's contact list?
This works with Miranda IM or QIP for example. Login at your account by using one of these programs, do a right click on the user from whose contact list you would like to remove yourself and choose Remove Myself from User's CL (at QIP) or Revoke authorization (at Miranda IM). In case you do not exhibit one of these programs it is easier to use QIP because a additional plugin (ICQ.dll) needs to be installed on Miranda IM for using this function. It may not work properly all times. However, usage of ICQ Self Remover makes even easier and quicker.
How do I prohibit starting up ICQ together with windows automatically?
In some versions of ICQ it is not possible to do that by removing ICQ from the autostart folder anymore as it re-enrigisters itself again.
Manually it is possible though: Open the system-configuration program by entering msconfig at run command (Win+R). Browse to the tab called Startup and deactivate the entry ICQLite.
Cleaner would it be to do so via the registry or by using a StartUp manager.
How do I delete my ICQ account?
This it not possible from some reasons. At most you can remove the saved ICQ account from your local computer. Therefor simply click the X besides the password area prior the login and affirm the delete process with your password afterwards. If you forgot your password use the tool ICQ Account Eraser. Your account will not be removed from the ICQ server so that you can login again later on. The only way of to being found is deleting or editing all personal datas from your profile.
How do I write longer status messages as usual?
The tool called ICQ Status Extension offers the possibility to extend the messages in the status manager up to 7000 signs and in the Away / N/A message up to 50.000 signs. The 7000 signs limit in the status manager is because it is not possible to transfer a higher number of signs (only at ICQ Lite 5).
Where does ICQ save the message history?

This depends on the ICQ's version.
ICQ Pro 2003b: In the installation directory in the folder 2003b
ICQ Lite 5: At %appdata%\ICQLite\HistoryDB (access via run command)
ICQ 6: At %appdata%\ICQ

In each specific folder there is a folder named like your ICQ number and the addicted message history. At ICQ 6 the file is named Messages.mdb which can be opended by using Microsoft Access for instance. ICQ Lite 5 uses easily-editable XML files and ICQ Pro uses disk space intense self-contained files.

Everytime I write to a specific user, ICQ hungs up. What can I do?
This may be caused by several reasons. But there is a damaged entry in the message history very oftenly which causes a hung-up. Therefor it helps to delete the history with the specific user.
ICQ 6 does not save changed settings. Solution?
Mostly the error is caused by the database. So the problem should be solved by deleting the file Application.mdb. To get this file open the run command (Win + R) for instance, enter %appdata%\ICQ and click on OK next. Now you should find the mentioned file and delete or rename it. In some cases it is also necessary to delete the file Owner.mdb which is located at the subfolder named as your ICQ number. ICQ has to be closed meanwhile of course.
My written text appears on the right side instead of left. How do I change this?
Press the key combination Ctrl+Shift on left side (Shift is the key upside Ctrl). It is important to use both keys on the left side. By taking them at right side the text gets right align. If the problem appears after a restart of ICQ again the settings are not saved (for solution see above).
How to solve the problem "Error: Failed to init application object. (Code: 3)"?
This error could have more reasons, e.g. an old version of ICQ, out of date Flash Player, problems with standard browser, ... But mostly the error is caused by a conflict with MDAC. How to solve this take a look here.
How do I protect me against spam?
Unfortunately, there is no allround protection against spam, yet there are several possibilities to minimise the spam rate.
The newer ICQ versions offer a spam filter against messages including a URL to a website wich applies to most spam mails. Because of that most spam authors ask for an adding to the contact list which allowes them to send messages with an URL without any regulations. As most authors send spam mails to users who are online it is possible to receive less spam by changing the status to invisible / incognito. Mostly it helps not to show the own status in the web.
Which ICQ version is the best?

It is hard to tell in general as everyone prefers different options and functions. Just test it out to see what you like.

Last Update: 31.07.2021
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