The first five key combinations are text formations which will be seen by the receiver usually.
Ctrl+B: Bold on/off
Ctrl+I: Italic on/off
Ctrl+U: Underlined on/off
Ctrl+Shift left: Left align
Ctrl+Shift right: Right align
Ctrl+F: Search in actual message window
Ctrl+E: Quotation of the last sent message
Ctrl+R: Quotation of the last received message
Ctrl+P: Print messages
Ctrl+Z: Undo written text
Ctrl+Tab: Select next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Select previous tab
Ctrl+W: Close tab
Esc: Close message window
F2: Rename contact/group
F5: Add contact
Del: Delete contact/group
In ICQ 6 a small Easter egg showing the developers is hidden. It can be started by pressing Ctrl+Alt+I in the info window (Main -> Help -> About ICQ). |