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# ICQ-Special » Downloads » Tools

These tools are basically designed for ICQ and either expand it with usefull functions or offer new information about ICQ contacts. Because of the permanently accruing new ICQ versions and changes at ICQ's protocol, functionallity can not be guaranteed at all times. So it would helpful if you would report errors, problems and ideas for improvement concerning these tools via the Forum for example.

Please take care of tool's compability.

ICQ 7 Glassy Mod » Description and download
Changing transparency of ICQ 7.x.
ICQ 7 Security Patch » Description and download
Fix security vulnerability by disable updating.
ICQ Account Eraser » Description and download
Removing ICQ accounts from your computer.
ICQ Away Reader » Description and download
Displaying who is reading the status message and more.
ICQ Contact Revealer » Description and download
Finding out who has added you.
ICQ Font Changer » Description and download
Changing font type and size in the contact list.
ICQ Fullscreen Patch » Description and download
Deactivating the automatical change to status N/A at fullscreen.
ICQ History Converter » Description and download
Converting message histories for newer ICQ versions.
ICQ Ignore Checker » Description and download
Checking if being ignored by a contact.
ICQ IP Indicator » Description and download
Displaying opponent's IP in contact details.
ICQ Link Patch » Description and download
Opening links with standard browser.
ICQ Password Changer » Description and download
Changing password of an ICQ account easily.
ICQ Password Hasher » Description and download
Reading out and editing saved passwords at ICQ 6 and 7.
ICQ Self Remover » Description and download
Remove yourself from an opponent's contact list.
ICQ Smiley Changer » Description and download
Changing ICQ 2003b's standard smilies.
ICQ Smiley Changer Lite » Description and download
Changing ICQ Lite 5.0 or 5.1's standard smilies.
ICQ Status Checker » Description and download
Detecting an opponent's status.
ICQ Status Extension » Description and download
Longer status messages and more.
ICQ UIN Backup » Description and download
Saving contact lists.
ICQ UIN Regger » Description and download
Registering a new ICQ account.
ICQ Update Patch » Description and download
Deactivating automatical update for using older ICQ versions.
MessenPass » Description and download
Displaying all ICQ passwords saved on the computer.
Multi-ICQ » Description and download
Launching ICQ multiply.
QIP Login Patch » Description and download
Deactivating QIP login block.
SkinBuilder » Description and download
Create and edit skins for ICQ.
Last Update: 31.07.2021
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