For not being relied on executing a huge e-mail-program (MS Outlook for instance) in background continuously or acessing an empty e-mail-box with a wrong expectation unnecessarily, you simply could use the tool MailCue. Hereupon you will be informed as there are new e-mails in your mailbox.
Other features:
Quick observation of multiple POP3 e-mail-accounts
Displaying of originator and topic of an e-mail optionally
Acoustic information choosable
Different observation rate for each e-mail-account possible
Checking all mailboxes by just one click
MailCue can also be started up together with Windows
You quickly can configurate the most important features by right-clicking on the e-mail-symbol in your tray-bar. Furthermore, the status-popup with the observated e-mail-accounts will open by a simple leftclick. It can be blanked out either by doing a click at the X or a right-click at the tray-symbol then. Additionally, remember to deactivate the popup-function as you stay in full-screen-mode. Otherwise it will be demolished as soon as a new e-mail comes in.
For operating the software properly the taskbar must be positioned at the bottom of your desktop.
MailCue: E-Mail information PopUp
Download: MailCue
Version: 1.1
Last update: 16.05.2006
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista
Size: 1.93 MB
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