The Statistical Calculator arised from a mathematical thesis whose topic statistical analysis of relations was. This calculation-software thereby served for a quicker calculation and graphical illustration of the respective values. The main content coinsists of regression and correlation as the program is focused on that, what means the first regression line can be calculated and displayed graphically in a diagram. Furthermore the coefficient of correlation R can be can be interpreted. For example, the two visualised continuities unempleyment - mark-up and turnout of voters - proportion of the SPD (on Bundestag elections) are available. We will abstain from any further explanation here as there is a circumstantial readme file provided.
In case you want to use this program in any other way or if you need the source please contact us.
Statistical Calculator - Main window
Statistical Calculator - Diagram
Download: Statistical Calculator
Version: 1.0
Last update: 17.04.2006
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista
Size: 2.63 MB
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